The Ultimate Paradox: By Isidro Sid Martinez
The Ultimate Paradox
The mind reels at the idea that it may never really know anything.
It wants to know and explain it all. It is the mind’s function to compare, categorize, explain and know it all. And it does, from its own conditioned perspective! But does it really know anything, just because it can explain something based on some perceptions from the past?
How do you separate truth from illusion with an instrument that can only operate from the conditioned response that it is? It is impossible to actually know anything as truth; except that you cannot really know anything as truth. Can we leave the great mysteries as the great mysteries that they are? The unified field theory can only ever be the unified field theory. How can you prove that which inherently is without proof. It is like saying I can calculate how God operates and what God will do and how God will do it, therefore I know God. Quantum mechanics suggests that the observer affects the outcome of the experiment just by being the observer. Does that not indicate that what we experience as reality is a subjective experience? That we cannot experience an objective reality. I believe that the mind is a great instrument necessary for our earthly survival and for giving us endless streams of entertainment and sensory impressions but the mind can never know anything about anything. The faculty of knowing really does not even exist in our sensory-mind structure. Knowing falls into the category of the unknown; which is the ultimate paradox.