Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To Know Me: Poem by Isidro Sid Martinez

To Know Me
I am spent on searching
for life's meaning,
yet not knowing

I am wasted on thinking
that one can know,
yet not knowing

I go on each day seeking
for some certainty,
yet not knowing

What does it gain to know
to know anything,
yet not know

Is there anything to know?
Can one find it somehow?
Can I ever know,

Sid 8/16/2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Definition of Purpose: By Isidro Sid Martinez

Have you considered the definition of Purpose?
I have researched it and have combined what I found into a definition that is specific enough to clearly define purpose as it relates to the spiritual path.

Purpose is a cognitive awareness in cause of effect that guides our thoughts and actions for an intended function. The object for which something exists or is done.

Purpose requires Role, Passion, Development of talent, and Need or fulfillment of a need.

If you are truly considering your purpose in this life experience. The above definition will go far in clarifying you mind about how purpose interacts with your life and helps to define who you are.
Sid Martinez

Monday, August 03, 2009

Noon Creek a reminder of serenity: Poem by Isidro Sid Martinez

Noon Creek
Enchanted by your pristine presence,
I see your eternal grandeur,
and your cold crystal essence.
Noon creek, you giggle, you laugh,
With me, At me?
So rushed, so serious, so tense,
You know my soul.
I sigh, can I just let go?
I know, I whisper with deep gratitude
Thank you for letting me know.

Mt Graham, motorcycle ride. 08/16/2008, 12:00 noon