Monday, July 13, 2009

What is the Purpose of Life? By Isidro Sid Martinez

Have you deeply considered this question?
I have heard many answers to this age old question, from trite expressions like, the purpose of life is love, or happiness, or service to others, to statements about God and heaven, reincarnation and immortality.

So is it that complicated? We were put here with a question that will outlive us? A question that will remain a mystery for all time? We all know that the human itself is a complication factory. It seeks explanations and has an infinite capacity for rationalizations. In its little world it is King, it is awesome to itself, yet it knows nothing. So if that is true, than how do we answer this question?

I have spent years pondering this dilemma and have come to realize that the Purpose of Life, is actually very very simple. It is a Life of Purpose! Yes, a life of purpose. Simple! Or are we at another dead end? Am I saying that the purpose is some moral justification for serving others or following another religious dogma or some high sounding activity. That is not the case at all. It is simple in itself. Have a purpose in your life and you will live the purpose of your life.

We all want to know ourselves, to truly be ourselves, to do what is the best for us. Even the saint and the sinner want this. I say you cannot and will not find this when life is lived without purpose. By living life with a purpose, what ever it might be for us, we find ourselves. We can only know ourselves from our own view. You cannot know yourself from another persons perception, only yours. In purpose we discover ourselves. We are all multi-dimensional beings that aspire to find perfect self knowledge.

There is an infinite number of ways that you can fulfill your purpose. It is not something mystical or hidden. I will let you in on a little secret, your purpose is what you decide it will be. Yea, you make it up, you decide it. It is not some mysterious predetermined assignment thrust upon us by the universe. If you live without purpose, the universe will not force you to have one. How do you determine it? Like I said, you just make it up, you decide. What do you care about, start there. Yes, it can change as you mature or grow or experience loss or experience success. It is a dynamic living thing, like you. It is you, and it reflects you. It is bi-directional, it will sustain you and guide you, if you give it a place in your life.


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